
Welcome to the Support page for QuickForm. Whether you're encountering a bug, have a feature request, or need guidance on how to utilize QuickForm most effectively, we're here to assist. Below you'll find a range of resources designed to help you get the support you need.

Table of Contents

Community Support

Join our vibrant community of users and developers to get help, share ideas, and collaborate. Here's how you can connect:

  • Discord Channel: For real-time discussions, join our Discord channel. It's a place to meet other users and the development team.
  • GitHub Discussions: Engage with the community and the developers directly on GitHub for more in-depth conversations about the codebase and development.
  • Twitter

Reporting Bugs

If you've encountered a bug, we encourage you to report it to help us improve QuickForm. Please use the following guidelines to report a bug:

  1. Check the Bug Tracker: Before submitting a new bug, please check our bug tracker to see if it has already been reported.
  2. Submit a Bug Report: If your issue is new, submit a bug report on our GitHub Issues page. Please include as much detail as possible, such as steps to reproduce the issue, expected versus actual behavior, and your environment details (e.g., browser version, extension version).

Feature Requests

We're always looking for ways to make QuickForm better. If you have an idea for a new feature or an improvement, we'd love to hear from you:

  • Submit a Feature Request: Use our GitHub Discussions page to submit a feature request. Describe your idea in detail and explain how it would benefit users of QuickForm.


For more detailed documentation, tutorials, and guides on how to use QuickFOrm, visit the following resources:

  • QuickForm Documentation: Our comprehensive documentation covers everything from getting started to advanced features.